The Hitachi Chromaster delivers highly reliable results. This is achieved with the high precision delivered by the pump, the low carry-over and high precision of the autosampler, the stability of the column oven and the sensitivity of the detectors. Techcomp's relationship with Hitachi started over 30 years ago. During this time, the robustness and reliability of the Hitachi HPLC instruments has helped to build and develop a strong partnership.
Chromaster key parameters:
600 bar (60 MPa) maximum operating pressure as standard, 400 bar (40 MPa) still available
Very low carry-over autosamplers. Loop injection and direct injection available with peltier thermostatted sample racks
Highly sensitive fluorescence detector (optimised 30 nm slit)
Very low drift diode array detector (1,0 × 10-4 AU hr-1)
Excellent gradient reproducibility
Automatic wavelength using mercury lamp for UV, DAD and Fluorescence Detectors
Unique touch screen user interface